Thanks for tuning in to the new Big Screen Classics blog.
Why should you read this blog in additon to all of the others that are out there? Good question...I'm not sure of the answer. But what I can promise you is that any topic discussed here will be done honestly and without prejudice. My opinions are just that: opinions. But I hope after reading for a while that you will consider them to be informed opinions. Unless otherwise noted, all items reviewed are from the author's own collection and have not been provided gratis. All theatre admissions are similarly non-compensated.
So where do you, the reader, fit in? I hope that you'll join in the comments section on every post. If I'm wrong - call me out. If you disagree - post and say why. The comments section will not be moderated other than to edit patently offensive or wildly off topic posts. I assume most of you are adults and have heard adult language, but let's all work to expand our vocabularies. Have a topic for discussion? Shoot me an e-mail at bigscreenclassics (at) and let's discuss.
A lot of the talk on this blog may veer towards the technical as that's one of the areas that has always interested me. But, for me, it's technology in service of art. The tech should be invisible, whether you are watching at home or your local multiplex. I can also be notiously thrifty (cheap), but try not to skimp on the quality of my own gear. I've always loved a bargain, so never had any qualms about buying used gear, open-box and refurbshed specials, or a lower-priced model in a manufacturer's lineup. Performance is what matters. Look for an upcoming post describing my setup at home, so you'll have a reference point.
Here's some information on me so you'll get where I'm coming from. I've spent over 33 years in and out of movie theatres, mostly in the projection booth, so my background is film-based presentations. I've also spent considerable time in the home video industry, both in retail and wholesale and currently employed at an independent DVD label as Director of Marketing. Most recently was the Director of Repertory Film Programming for the Lafayette Theatre, which is where the Big Screen Classics name started. In addition to the Saturday morning classic film shows, we also presented numerous special weekend film events: "3 Days of 3-D," "Science Fiction Spectacular," "The Sounds of Silents," "Salute to the Great Musicals," "The Film Preservation Weekend," and, of course, the annual "Horror-Thon".
So while this isn't exactly Mr. Kane's Declaration of Principles, it should give you an idea of what to expect on Big Screen Classics.
Thanks for reading.